Kamis, 10 September 2015


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Lake Toba, the largest lake in South East Asia, and the deepest in the world, was formed about 75,000 years ago after an earth splitting volcano eruption. It is the largest and deepest volcanic crater lake in the world. It's 906 meters above sea level with an average depth of 450m. The lake has an island in the middle called Samosir. You can get to Lake Toba from Medan citym in around 3 - 4 hours
Lake Toba is in the centre of the homeland to the Batak people but 'Tano Batak' covers an area the size of Belgium within North Sumatra. With their own language, the Batak are mainly Christian, encountering Christian missionaries in the 1850's and 1860's from Holland and Germany

Discovering an endanger wildlife species on earth the Orang Utan The only species found in both Borneo of Indonesia and Malaysia. Also in Sumatra of Indonesia. These areas are native environment and natural home to this umbrella species. Bukit Lawang in Gunung Leuser National park is truelly wildlife and adventure tours site. Your travel experience to Sumatra will give you an unforgettable experience in your life time.

Sumatratrips is a local tour operator of Sumatra wildlife, adventure and cultures of Sumatra specialist. We spent most of our life as tour guides. With this long experience we grow our knowledge, experience and skill as we know better Sumatra better than the outsider. Our dventure travel of Sumatra are selectively designed to meet standard of expectation emphasis on safety and impact to environment we visit in mission to build the awareness and care of eco tourism. We also keen to help youu tailoring packages visiting north Sumatra exploring the Orang Utan, cultures of Batakness and more......

Medan - north Sumatra  INDONESIA
PHONE : +62 81 263 355 335     Email : sumatratrips@gmail.com

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