Sabtu, 12 September 2015

5days Bahorok - Lake Toba Tours

5days Bahorok - Lake Toba Tours

DAY 01,Bukit Lawang
Arrival at Medan airport meet service and then drive to Bukit Lawang via Binjai and Kuala pass several plantations of rubber and oilpalm. Upon arrival in Bukit Lawang check-in hotel.

Day 02 : Bukit Lawang – Brastagi
After early breakfast 3 hours trekking in Leuser Park to see the orang-utans, afterwards drive to Brastagi with stop at Sembahe river and Sikulikap waterfall and visit Batak Karo traditional village at Peceren, and fruit market. In mid noon check in to hotel.
Day03 : Brastagi – Samosir island
After breakfast drive to Parapat on the way visit Sipiso-piso waterfall, Rumah Bolon ( Long house ) the old palace of Batak Simalungun Kings and Simarjarunjung to see the view of Lake Toba, upon arrival at Parapat crossing to Samosir Island by ferry boat arriavl at Samosir check in to hotel.
Day 04 : Samosir island Tours
After breakfast at hotel full day excursion on Samosir Island to explore the beauty and cultural aspects of Batak visiting Ambarita village to see the stone chairs, tables and court yard of Siallagan’s clan. Simanindo to enjoy the Bataks traditional ritual dances of the Bataks Tribe. Thereafter continue to Tomok village to see the old tomb of King’s Sidabutar, rest  of the day return to the hotel or discover the Tuk-Tuk village by bicycle and enjoy a warm interaction with the local people during your ride.


Day 05 : Samosir Island – Departure
After breakfast transfer from Lake Toba to Medan via Pematang Siantar with view of rubber, oilpalm and cacao plantations. Arriving in Medan proceed to airport for flight to the next destination. Tour ends


Medan - north Sumatra INDONESIA
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